Issue 4 - May 2000

- Written by J. Krishnamurti
Since education is the responsibility of the parents as well as of the teachers, we must learn the art of working together, and this is possible only when each one of us perceives what is true.
- Written by Editorial Team
The ground around is covered with dry leaves, and above, the birds twitter and hop among the bare branches.
- Written by R. E. Mark Lee
Excerpts from a talk at the National Conference of the National Center for Montessori Education, San Diego, California, March, 1999.
- Written by Shirish Beri
The question posed before me as an architect is, “Can architectural space influence the learning process in a positive way?” or, “Can architectural space contribute to the personal growth of a child with joy, freedom, compassion and awareness?” From my experience in designing and studying a number of educational institutions from primary schools to postgraduate research institutions, and from various postoccupational surveys, my answer to the above questions is a resounding “Yes!”
- Written by Radhika Herzberger
Of the great Indian religious philosophers born in the nineteenth century, Krishnamurti was the youngest as well as the most radical.
- Written by Patrick Foster
How I teach history—daily, in my high school classroom—is a complex affair.
- Written by Javier Gomez Rodriguez
The current climate in so-called mainstream education, both private and government controlled, indicates that it has reached a kind of impasse.
- Written by Suprabha Seshan
Every year around 2000 people walk up the three kilometres of dirt road, in rain and sun, to visit the gardens at the Gurukula Botanical Sanctuary.
- Written by Anna Adhemar
All across Scandinavia small children are running wild! From Lapland to Jutland, you will see flocks of youngsters chasing through meadows and woodland, with mud-spattered faces and small rucksacks on their backs.
- Written by Sudha Premnath
Biologists have identified India as one of the top twelve megadiversity countries of the world.
- Written by K. Gopalakrishna
Find your place on earth, dig in, and take your responsibilities from there.
- Written by Rajesh Dalal
Sridhar (S): Rajesh, many people feel that Krishnamurti’s teaching is abstract and impractical for today’s world and especially so in the organizational context of a school.
- Written by Arvind Ranganathan
The buildings were the same. So were some of the faces.
- Written by Mallika Sen
The Annual Teachers’ Conference held at The Valley School, Bangalore between 15 and 17 Oct, 1999, was an occasion for the coming together of teachers from the various KFI centres.
- Written by G. Gautama
One of the features of schools is that teachers are expected to do what they are allocated.
- Written by A. Ramachandran
There are many issues related to the problems of growing up that we face in school.
- Written by B. Ramdas and Rama Sastry
‘You are supposed to be teachers and you don’t send your children to school?!’ The local community was aghast.
- Written by Divya Kumar
A school, like any other institution, is a complex amalgam of intentions, processes, practices and of course, people.
- Written by D. Anantha Jyothi
The story is told about a kind-hearted amateur who raised butterflies as a hobby.
- Written by Editors
- Written by P. Ramesh
“Keats complained that Newton had destroyed the poetry of the rainbow by explaining it.