Issue 1 - July 1997

- Written by J. Krishnamurti
Is there any other way of living in which you and I can function in our true vocation?
- Written by Ahalya Chari
As we are all aware J. Krishnamurti was not only a great seer but a wise educator, perhaps the most radical that this century has produced.
- Written by G. Narayan
Krishnamurti pointed out that there are three great arts in education.
- Written by P. Krishna
In teaching science, it is more important to help students to under-stand the scientific approach to life and develop a scientific temper than it is to impart scientific knowledge or train them in specific scientific techniques.
- Written by Karen Hesli
We recognize the growing complexity of the challenges facing schools today and we seek answers in educational reform and innovation.
- Written by Shailesh Shirali
What is right relationship between a teacher and student, or between a teacher and a colleague?
- Written by Alok Mathur
A year after I joined the Rishi Valley School I was asked to be a 'house parent' to 16 boys of ages 10 to 13.
- Written by Siddharth Menon
The setting for this paper is RishiValley School, a co-educational school with about 350 children between the ages of 8 and 18.
- Written by R. E. Mark Lee
The history of intellectual and religious inquiry is replete with great minds and great schools.
- Written by Vandana Srivastava and Usha Mukunda
During our annual curriculum meetings in April '96, two crucial questions were raised.
- Written by Chinna Oommen
The language experience approach is a very effective method for getting students in the beginning grades to read and write meaningfully.
- Written by Radhika Herzberger
I began teaching part of the prescribed ICSE syllabus for history and culture in Standard VIII in 1983.
- Written by Padmavathy Sundararajan and Ananthapadmanabhan
Mathematics, its teaching/learning has evoked wide discussion ever so often.
- Written by J. Sashidhar and Kabir Jaitheertha
Those of us who love mathematics and teach it, see that it is intrinsically beautiful.
- Written by Prema Veeraraghavan
The School at Madras is located in a very quiet, verdant part of the city in the grounds of the Theosophical Society.
- Written by Geetha Iyer and Shailesh Shirali
In this paper we explore the possibility of doing away with the current practice of animal dissection in schools, which as per the current norms is an integral part of the Biology curriculum for most examination boards.
- Written by Stephan Harding
In the days before scientific thinking took hold in the West the earth was seen as a vast living being worthy of deep respect and reverence.
- Written by Colin Foster
Why focus on the environmental crisis? It seems clear that the activities of humankind are leading, in an irrational way, to self-destruction.
- Written by A. Kumaraswamy
The Rural Education Centre at Rishi Valley was established in the early seventies with the primary intention of providing quality education to children of workers of Rishi Valley school and also children from nearby villages.
- Written by Rebecca Thomas
The Pune Centre of the Krishnamurti Foundation saw the birth of Sahyadri School in September 1995.
- Written by P. Ramesh
The attempt to understand Krishnamurti takes us far and wide in the realm of 20th Century thought.
- Written by Geetha Ramanujam
This is a delightful book from one of our own teachers who has a distinctive approach to the teaching of art to children.
- Written by Geetha Ramanujam
Sophie's World is a novel about the History of Philosophy.
- Written by Geetha Ramanujam
Good storytellers can demand your attention by showing you new ways of looking at an old story.
- Written by G. Gautama
On one who has had but a passing acquaintance with history, this book had a profound and deep impact.
- Written by O. R. Rao
Ever since History emerged as a major and independent field of study during the time of the 18th Century European Enlightenment - the time of Voltaire, Gibbon, Rousseau and the French Encyclopaedists - the study of history has been subject to pulls in two different directions.